Our Vision
All children and youth will have enriching experiences growing up and achieve success in life.

Our Mission
Big Brothers Big Sisters / bgc is a community-supported organization committed to the healthy development of children, youth and their families by providing safe places, positive relationships, services and opportunities to develop personal strengths and interpersonal skills that enhance their long-term success in life.

Board of Directors

Charlene Maguire MacKnight - Chair

Greg MacDonald

Pam Ryan

Cheryl Harris

Fr. Dan Bastarache

Anna Kelly

Lise Finnigan

Gail McKibbon



Sheree Allison
Executive Director

Janet Creighton
Director of Operations

Contact us: contact@bgcmiramichi.com

For Gold Rush Inquiries: goldrush@bgcmiramichi.com


Financials 2023

Here's What We Do . . .

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