SNAP Feedback Form School Blackville Gretna Green King Street Max Aitken Millerton Miramichi Rural Napan Nelson NSEE Time of SNAP class:MorningAfternoonDid the students understand the SNAP concepts in this lesson? Yes No If No, please explain:Did the Teacher participate in the Role Play during the lesson today? Yes No If No, what happened?How many Role Plays did your students do today?Code Mission: How was Code Mission today?How did your "levelling off" go today?Did you have a "SNAPPER" of the week? Yes No Where are you with your SNAP class goal? # of points:Today I would rate this SNAP lesson as a: 1 β (Sad) 2 β 3 β 4 β 5 β (Good) 6 β 7 β 8 β 9 β 10 β (Super) NameDate of Session MM slash DD slash YYYY Additional Comments Δ